Six tips for traveling with kids

Ziplocs in action. It is a gargantuan task to get our family out the door, to the airport, past security, onto the plane, into a seat that is actually ours, and through the flights (there are ALWAYS more than one). Over the years I’ve tried IT ALL on long flights, and here’s what works for …

Family On Polaroid Film

Today I was talking to some friends about joy. Specifically about what gives us joy. Photography and family were the two things that immediately popped into my head. Yes, I LOVE photographing other things… but I feel so much joy photographing my boys’ journeys into grown-up-hood (lets face it… they might protest this whole thing …

Family Post

Today I’m taking a step back. Looking at the last few months in pictures. I am blown away with gratitude. I am so grateful. Grateful for the journey we are on. Grateful that we live here even though IT’S TOUGH sometimes. Grateful for the people in our lives (the ones we see every day and the …

In Another Land

We walked across the sand and the sea and The sky and the castles were blue. I stood and held your hand. And the spray flew high and the feathers floated by I stood and held your hand. And nobody else’s hand will ever do Nobody else will do Then I awoke Was this some …

Merry Christmas to me!

Our dear friend Jason Grube creates beautiful things (even his kids are beautiful). That’s what he does, pure and simple. I could look at his portfolio site for hours, and I tend to be a bit helter skelter with two little-littles, so that means it’s really worth looking at. He made the beautifulness above using my …

Nyungwe Forest Lodge

Sometimes life throws you a breather, a chance to slow down, a minute to reflect. For the past 6 months we have not taken time to breathe. Our lives have just been steaming forward like a freight train. We’ve been zooming past big change after big change and crisis after crisis at the speed of …