A Farmer Story: Dorothée Sibomana

This blog post was written by Joy Maguvo, Long Miles Coffee Story Assistant. Dorothée Sibomana is a coffee farmer from Gaharo Hill. In most countries, it’s more common to see men involved in coffee farming maintenance than women. However, Dorothée defies that norm! While her husband works as a mechanic in Bujumbura, Dorothée manages and …


There are a myriad of factors that can impact the flavors that end up in your cup of coffee. Influences on taste start with the growing environment, then processing, and end with roasting and brewing. We can do very little to control the environment, so our focus is on how we process coffees from different …

The challenge of water at Ninga Washing Station

In Burundi, a washing station (or wet mill) is a communal space. It doesn’t just belong to those who build, own or manage it, and it’s not just a place for coffee farmers to deliver their coffee cherries to. A washing station is a sign of development within a community; a landmark where neighbors can gather, …