Hanging my art

Here’s the deal. I have about a million and one hard drives that house a bah-zillion moments that I have had the privilege of photographing. It was starting to feel as if I had a house jam packed with photographs that were flowing out of packed closets Cartoon Network style. When really, they were just overflowing …

There will be a book + I need your help

Telling you that there will be a book scares the pants off me. I’m telling you now, months before the it’s even close to being completed. Why am I doing that? Well, two reasons. FIRSTLY. Saying it, scratch that, TYPING IT OUT LOUD makes it real for me. I thought I could be one of those …

The Burundi Coffee Harvest

It’s harvest time here in Burundi and we decided to take the entire family into Burundi’s beautiful coffee hills to see it… and the film crew tagged along too. I don’t know if you will remember, but last year we didn’t see the harvest because we couldn’t get ourselves moved over here in time. It …

Portrait sessions: Durban and Cape Town

Are you in South Africa? I am about to be too! I am so excited to be offering a limited number of portrait sessions in Durban and Cape Town. If you are interested in snatching one up, email me at kristyjoycarlson@gmail.com. THANKS EVERYONE! IF YOU HAVE BOOKED A  SESSION, I WILL SEE YOU SOON! CURRENTLY …

Burundi’s front door

I have always wanted to take the time to photograph the doors we see while whizzing to the coffee hills. There is something beautiful about how unique they all are. Really, I don’t think I have ever seen two doors alike in Burundi! I imagine that these doors say a huge amount about the people …