A Glimpse Inside The Dry Mill

Let me be honest, and this is a little embarassing as the wife of a coffee aficionado, I just googled “what’s a dry mill.” Even thought I’ve been to one, I’m still not so sure what all the loud machines and grunt work are about. The way I see it, the dry mill is the …

I love.

Moments like these with people exactly like this… “exactly” right down to that birthmark on that left butt cheek. People who love you even when you have frizzy hair and peeling nail paint! Happy weekending! Loooooots coming to you from the coffee hills next week, as long as our internet and electricity stay fired up …

To my American African French fry…

The sweetness of  an opportunity waits for you in that classroom tomorrow. In just a few short months you will be bi-lingual. One of the cool kids whose life brings them the beauty of knowing more than one language. All day I hear people floating between English, French, Dutch, German, and Karundi with ease. It’s …

supper time

Every night around the supper table we ask each other about the day. The goal being that the meal becomes more than just a battle to get the kids fed, it becomes instead our time to connect and “debrief”.  Our time to teach our kids about what it means to take an interest in one …